Edwin Rutsch
Definition of Empathy

Edwin's Basic Definition

Empathy -- is a Way of Being.  In a broader understanding and view, empathy is a way of being in relationship with life.  It is sensing into life with presence, deep listening, openness and care versus being judgmental, indifferent, detached, domineering, analytical, etc.  It is being sensitive to felt experiences and meaning in oneself, others and relationships. This way of being is multi faceted. Some of the many facets are: 

(Direct) Empathy -- with others


Imaginative Empathy 

Relational Empathy 

Empathic Action

Culture of Empathy 

Defining Empathy in the Context of an Empathy Circle.
It can be helpful to define empathy in the context of the Empathy Circle practice. This way we can more clearly point to actual experiences that happen and name them. Anyone can take part in an Empathy Circle and then can experience the different facet of an empathic way of being. 


These definitions have the quality of sensing into.

An Early Typology