Abigail Dodds
Article: The Beauty and Abuse of Empathy
by Abigail Dodds
April 14, 2020
Notes by Edwin Rutsch
"Research shows that women in particular are more empathetic than men when seeing other people in pain. I think this reflects a wonderful design feature that God has given women that benefits not only any children we might have, but our entire communities. "
1. Isolated Empathy
thinks empathy would give into a child's immediate desires, and not think of the long term. "His immediate comfort becomes the goal, rather than his long-term health." "I would succumb to his desire. Rather than doing what my rational mind knows is best for him "
(but we need empathy for the parent and their views as well as can empathize with the child in the future.)
Empathy Circle Response: ?
2. Cowardly Empathy
empathy and coddling the sin
"feeling sorry for others caught in sin, in tearful solidarity and nothing else, are actually using others, not loving them. "
(again mutual empathy and the empathic dialogue are the way forward)
Empathy Circle Response: ?
3. Manipulative Empathy
"Distorted empathy does terrible damage when misused toward others, but it absolutely destroys the one who turns her empathy inward. It seeks to sympathize with its own sad state. "
Empathy Circle Response: ?
Empathy Redeemed
"When that right ordering has happened, when empathy has refused isolation, cowardice, and manipulation, when she has bound herself to truth, what a beautifying effect she can have on the church. When we submit empathy to God rather than submit to empathy itself, God transforms empathy. "