Lesson 4
Imaginative Empathy 


Lesson 3:    Imaginative Empathy,  

Development Notes

The typical empathy circle is people talking about a topic or what is alive for them. A layer that can be added to this is for participants to take on roles and have a dialogue speaking from these roles.  


Short Empathy Circle 1  (30 min)

 A regular short empathy circle for participants to experience the typical empathy circle. This topic taps into participants imagining themselves in the future as well.

·     Possible Topic?: 

o How I imagine myself in the future?

o    How I imagine myself in 10 years?

Empathy Circle 2: Role Play  - be a concept. (30 min)

Topic: need a topic for the part to talk about?

Empathy Circle 3: Role Play 2 - be a family in conflict? need a topic for them to discuss?   (30 min)

Topic: ? Where to go for vacation? each has a different place they want to go.