2021-12-14 - Ashok Bhattacharya

Ashok Bhattacharya is a psychiatrist in private practice and founder of The Empathy Clinic. The clinic is committed to the teaching, practice, and improvement of empathy. Empathy is a starting point for compassion; what we do when we care about each other. Appreciating the experience of another person is a capacity and a skill. Whether we’re in a relationship, in the family, with friends, or in the workplace, they all work better and smoother when empathy is being practiced.

 In this discussion we explored the meaning and definition of #empathy. More on definitions of empathy at: https://DefiningEmpathy.com

"Appreciating the experience of another person is a capacity and a skill. Empathy is a psychological-emotional investigatory tool. With education and practice we can sharpen this tool and learn how to use it responsibly, professionally, and personally.  Our brains are designed for empathy. "

Video Transcripts:  https://otter.ai/u/QO5xl-OeV6Ru2Khl0CNs1EhOkzs 

Ashok Bhattacharya 

Edwin Rutsch - Center for Building a Culture of Empathy