
Brainstorming Ideas to Sort
make any comments and notes here . feel free to edit and organize.

LESSONS  OUTINE -  develop the basic Outline.

Organizing Our Work
Creating a Definition of Empathy Course/Workshop could be a way to organize the definitions work we have been doing. I find that if I have to create a workshop, I have to focus on getting the work done and in a way that people can understand.  

Feedback Refines the Definition
Presenting the work in a workshop and getting feedback from students can help with refining the definitions. The ongoing feedback helps with refining the definition and training.

A Foundation for Other Documents
--  Creating the course can be the foundation of an 

A Reproducible And Scalable Training
The workshop can be reproducible. It can be recorded and presented as a as stand along didactic training.

Empathy Circle as Defining Context
We use the Empathy Circle as a experiential context for the training. The definition is developed using the Empathy Circle. The definitions are mapped onto the experience of the Empathy Circle.  Participants will take part in didactic and experiential activities. They will experience the facets of empathy in the context of the Empathy Circle.  They will be able to point to their experiences in the empathy circle and name the aspect of empathy.

Part of a Larger Course Series
The course is part of a larger empathy course.  It could be a pre or post module course for the Empathy Circle Facilitator Training (ECFT). It includes;

Standardized Format
Use a similar format as the Empathy Circle Facilitator Training so that there can be a consistent format and style. ?

Generating Income
Holding a paid training can be a way of generating an income. 

Course Audience is the General Public
make the course accessible to the general public.

Iterative Development
Can keep building  (improving, deepening, expanding) on this foundation.

Supporting the Empathy Movement
We need an Empathy Movement to grow empathy in the culture. For a movement, we need a clear and easy to understand definition of what we are talking about.  It should also be practical and useful for the average person. 

Couse Length
A 6 or so weeks online zoom class that reviews the definition of Empathy.

Have a Reading List. 

Opening Presentation
At the start of each Lesson, Have a X(30) minute slideshow presentation about an aspect of the Empathy definition.

I think it would be helpful to have a presentation for each facet of the diamond, along with a reading. The reading might not be mandatory, but available there in case someone wants to go in depth.

Define Empathy in the context of the Empathy Circle.

What is different about this definition and Course is that  we use the Empathy Circle as the context to define and practice empathy in its different aspects of empathy.

take part in the empathy circle and try out the different aspects of empathy. Participants get a 'feel' for what empathy is and is not.

Evaluation Matrix
Create a table/matrix of the different definitions and how they relate to the empathy circle. Can be used to evaluate articles about empathy to quickly understand what they are talking about. This would help with Lesson 5 and 6 where we evaluate how different empathy definition models are defining empathy. 

 Define empathy in the context of the empathy circle.

The Course Supports the Development of  Empathy Circle:
The Empathy Circle has many benefits.  By defining empathy or an empathic way of being in the context of the Empathy Circle we can develop the effectiveness of the Empathy Circle. We can build practices, awareness, and skills within the circle that improve the practice. This practice is very effective for the average person to quickly learn, practice and get tangible benefits.

The average person can get practical  positive results from it. They can learn how to listen better to others, they can feel more deeply heard and understood, they can learn to speak  and share in a more effective way, they learn a tool they can use for conflict mediation, etc.

Empathy Circle has the benefit over client therapist relationships in that it matches more of everyday life with multiple people. Therapy places all the attention on the client for 50 or 60 minutes. This can be helpful to have all this attention. However, the empathy circle has the benefit of holding a more complete quality of empathy. This means you are a speaker that is sharing and being heard to your satisfaction, and you are an Active Listener, as well as a Silent Listener. So you are practicing and developing more facets of an empathic way of being. As someone who is trained as a group therapist, I can say that this particular benefit is there as well. 

As I see it, the difference between an empathy circle and group therapy is the purpose that brings people together. Improving your own empathic ability (in all its facets) as opposed to finding healing and growth, usually in a specific direction. 

Topics and Headings

What we're doing here is philosophy of science and we need to be wise not to misrepresent the paradigms: many of the authors (or at least their close collaborators) are still alive and would have every right to argue our position.